A Quick Guide to Benefits and Drawbacks of Dental Implants


Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best and most convenient option to replace missing teeth. They are the artificial replacements for the roots of your missing teeth.

Usually performed in one or two appointments, the dental implant NSW procedure can yield successful results by improving your teeth look and functionality, decreasing the possibility of bone loss, and promoting a natural-looking smile.

For those looking forward to replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, this article mentions the benefits and drawbacks of the dental procedure for their consideration.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Here discussed are the benefits of dental implants over other alternatives:


Dental implants made of titanium are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. These restorative appliances can last longer than alternatives, and it’s reported that they have a success rate of over 97% for ten years.

Prevents bone loss

A Dental Implant NSW procedure might help prevent the bone loss that occurs once you lose a tooth.

With a missing tooth, your jawbone will no longer be stressed in that area of your mouth. If not treated for long, your body might break down and reabsorb some of the bone tissue, leading to bone loss.

As per many studies, 30% of the alveolar ridge is lost after you lose your tooth. An alveolar ridge is the jawbone part containing the tooth socket. You tend to lose most of your bone in the first six months of losing your tooth.

Many researchers found that a well-performed dental implant NSW might preserve the alveolar ridge by lowering the resorption rate.

Provides a natural look and feel

A dental implant works as an artificial root for your missing tooth. Once your dentist puts a crown on the top of the implant, it will mimic the look and feel of a natural tooth. You might feel more comfortable having dental implants secured than alternative treatments like dentures.

Help keep adjacent teeth stable

When having missing teeth, the surrounding teeth might move toward the gap, causing bite problems and impacting your ability to chew. Best All-on-4 Dental Implants can fill the gap between your teeth and prevent your surrounding teeth from drifting. It further helps maintain the health of your teeth surrounding the missing ones.

Restore the cosmetic appearance of your face

Jawbone loss after losing your teeth can impact your face’s natural shape. It might lead to changes like collapsed cheeks, sunken appearance, sagged skin, and misaligned bite.

You can prevent these changes by opting for a dental implant procedure. Implants will help maintain the structural integrity of your jaw, prevent bone loss, and, thus, restore your face’s cosmetic appearance.

Restores bite force

Researchers found that implant-supported overdenture of your lower jaw can increase biting force compared to traditional dentures.

Drawbacks of Dental Implants

The following are a few drawbacks of dental implants:
They are generally more expensive than other dental treatment options.
  • They will require dental surgery.
  • You might have to go through multiple dental appointments, and the entire implantation process can take up to 6 to 12 months.
  • Before placing implants, the procedure might require a dental bone graft.
  • Your insurance might not cover the cost of the dental implant procedure.

Wrapping up it all!

Dental implants are durable dental prostheses that can replace the root of your missing tooth. You no longer have to go through the embarrassment of having a missing tooth or teeth.

Best All-on-4 Dental Implants covered with crowns, bridges, or dentures can provide you with multiple benefits. Remember that a dental implant can offer long-lasting results with natural-looking and feeling teeth but can be a little expensive. However, no other dental procedure can provide benefits like dental implants.


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