Discover The Realities Of Dental Bridges: What You Must Know

Dental bridges are a common solution for individuals with missing teeth. Bridges help to fill gaps and restore the overall function of teeth. They can also improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence and self-esteem. 

If you are considering getting dental crowns and bridges, here are some essential things you need to know.

What is a dental bridge?

It is a dental appliance that fills a gap resulting from one or more missing teeth. The bridge comprises two or more dental crowns on either side of the gap, called abutment teeth, which serve as anchors for the prosthetic tooth or teeth, called pontics.

There are three types of dental bridges:

  1. Traditional bridges: The most common type of bridge, where porcelain crowns are placed on both sides of the gap with a pontic in the middle.

  2. Cantilever bridges: Used when there are teeth on only one side of the gap. A dental crown on the abutment tooth supports the pontic.

  3. Maryland bonded bridges: Resin-bonded bridges are made of porcelain or porcelain fused to metal. They use metal or porcelain wings on either side of the bridge bonded to the abutment teeth.

The benefits of dental bridges

Dental crowns and bridges have many benefits. 

  • They help improve the appearance of your smile

  • Maintain the shape of your face

  • Reinstate the capability to chew and speak properly

  • Prevent the remaining teeth from shifting

The process of getting a dental bridge

The process of getting a dental bridge typically takes two or three appointments. 

The first step is to make the abutment teeth ready by eliminating a portion of the enamel to make room for the porcelain crowns. An impression is then taken of the teeth and sent to a laboratory to create the bridge. In the meantime, a temporary bridge is placed on the teeth to protect them.

During the second appointment, the temporary bridge is removed, and the permanent bridge is fitted and adjusted to ensure proper fit and function. Once the dentist is satisfied with the fit, the bridge is cemented in place.

However, sometimes you need orthodontic dental treatment rather than bridges because of your dental condition.

Maintaining your dental bridge

Following good oral hygiene is necessary to maintain your dental bridge in good condition. 

This includes flossing daily, brushing your teeth twice daily, and dropping in at your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. 

You should also avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods, as this can damage the bridge.

Also Read: All-On-4 Dental Implants: Pros and Cons to Consider

Potential risks and complications

While dental crowns and bridges are generally safe and effective, there are some potential risks and complications to be aware of. These include:

  1. Infection: If bacteria get trapped under the bridge, it can cause an infection in the gums or the abutment teeth.

  2. Decay: The teeth under the bridge are still susceptible to decay, so it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent this.

  3. Damage: Bridges can become damaged if subjected to excessive force, such as biting down on hard or crunchy foods.

  4. Poor fit: If the bridge does not fit properly, it can cause discomfort or pain.

Final thoughts!

Dental crowns and bridges are an effective solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring a natural-looking smile. However, consulting a qualified dental professional can help determine if a dental bridge is right for you.


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