4 Reasons To Choose All-On-4 Treatment
The All-on-4 dental solution has become a revolutionary intervention for individuals having severe tooth loss conditions, periodontal disease, gum disease, bone atrophy and resorption (natural jaw bone disintegration). All these dental conditions can lead to deteriorating dental health and hygiene, low self-esteem, and quality of life concerns. Having a white, bright, healthy smile and fully functional teeth is desired by people of all ages. However, restoring the natural denture isn’t always possible in certain unfortunate cases. With the All-on-4 treatment , your oral health, dental hygiene and overall well-being can be enhanced. All-on-4 has proven to be more effective when you require replacing multiple natural teeth/ row of teeth in each jaw or both jaws. Now must be wondering, “Why not conventional implantation?” In certain aspects, the All-on-4 dental implantation can be more effective than traditional dental procedures, especially when you require ...